Friday, April 20, 2012

Better Abs = Better Runner

Ok so here is the thing. Just because you run and run and run, doesnt mean you will run faster. According to, runners need strong abs almost as much as strong legs. Strong abdominal muscles can help make you a better runner. And since the abdominal muscles support the rest of the torso, runners with strong abs have better posture, a more stable gait, and fewer low-back problems. Added bonus: Our abs also help us move our legs and shift our hips, so we derive more power for these actions when our abs are well-developed ( 

Of course, doing a million situps is about as much fun as having your teeth bleached. And it's not much more effective, either because it really only works out your hip flexors. Instead, according to Ed Eyestone (two-time Olympic marathoner and men's cross-country coach at Brigham Young University, has a master's degree in exercise physiology), runners need an ab workout that targets the upper and lower abdominal muscles, along with the internal and external oblique muscles on either side of the abdomen.

Lucky for us, some of the best collegiate track teams have come up with such a workout. I like to call it "circuit abs" because it's a combination of abdominal exercises that rotate every 30 seconds says Ed. By rotating the exercises you ensure all ab muscles get strong. And the variation in the exercises allows one group of abdominal muscles to recover while another group is worked. Circuit-ab workouts can be done every day after you run. Here's how:

    • Set your watch to beep every 30 seconds, and begin the first ab exercise.
    • Do as many repetitions of the selected exercise as you can until the watch beeps.
    • At the beep, switch to the next exercise, which should work a different part of your stomach.
    • If you become fatigued before 30 seconds is up, simply rest until the next exercise begins.
    • Start with just 6 minutes total. Longer than that and you might have trouble getting out of bed the next day. Gradually work up to 12 minutes total.

    So you heard what Ed had to say. I am so taking his advice. Better Abs = Better Runner. Cant say how long i have ran without really working on my abs. Ever since I heard this, I have been working my abs aleast 3 times a week. So far my run time has drop to 16:40 for 2 miles. For me that is a big step. So rember what Ed Says and just do it!!!!!

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Yum Yum Protein

    Ok so I had a really delicous recovery smoothie after my very exerting workout. It jast came out the top of my head. Its simple to make and yummy for your tummy.

    You will need:
    A banana
    A scoop of vanilla whey protein
    2 tbs Nonfat plain yogurt
    A handful of frozen cherries
    A splash of Unsweetened Almond Milk Vanilla

    Toss it all in a blender and wah lah yummyness is served.

    Need a visual of what it looks like check out the photos below.

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Blog Birthday

    Ok so today is the first blog post for this blog. Giggle guess you guyz already knew that hence its the only post, but anyway I wanted to start this blog off with a healthy recipe. Face it guyz its so hard to choose weather to make a healthy meal of just stick with the old fashion salad( which can get quite boring to eat at times). Ok so I was searching for the an easy recipe that would take too long and didn't need that many ingredients. And wahlah I found one on Fitness, and if you a pasta lover like me you will love this one. Its called Farfalle with Watercress Cherry Tomatoes and Feta.

                                                                  *I used this type of farfalle (better choice)


    *8 oz. Farfalle Pasta
    *1 cup Crumbled reduced fat feta cheese
    *2 pints of Cherry tomatoes
    *3 cups watercress leaves
    *1/4 teaspoon black pepper


    1. Cook pasta as instructed on the package.
    2. Place the cheese in a a large bowl; top with watercress. Take 1/4 cup of the cooking water from the pot and pour over the watercress.
    3. Place the tomatoes in a colander. Drain the pasta onver the tomatoes.
    4. Toss with the watercress and cheese; sprinkle with the pepper and BAM!

    *I tried it the other day and it was really good, next time i do a recipe I will tak actual pictures of me cooking and eating. Well until next time, Adios amigos!